ORA-01113:file4needs media recovery ORA-01110:datafile4: ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf' 此时查看 selectFILE_NAME,ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files; FILE_NEME ONLINE_STATUS u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf recovery 执行如下命令: SQL>recover datafile'u01/app/oracle/oradata...
ORA-01110: data file 86: 1. 1. '/u03/flash_recovery_area/oradata/epps/mrp_index2_x02.dbf' 1. 1. ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status 1. 1. Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory 1. 1. Additional information: 3 1. 1. SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE MRP_INDEX2 ONLINE ; 1. ...
ORA-01113:file4needs media recovery ORA-01110:datafile4: ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf' 此时查看 selectFILE_NAME,ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files; FILE_NEME ONLINE_STATUS u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf recovery 执行如下命令: SQL>recover datafile'u01/app/oracle/oradata...
ORA-01113: file 69 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data file 69: 'E:\FWPTDB\DBFFILES\HNRZ\HNRZFW.DBF 2、解决方案 1、服务器上打开cmd: 2、输入: sqlplus /NOLOG 3、输入:connect system/123456 as sysdba 提示:已连接 4、输入: select file#,name,status,enabled from v$datafile where STATUS =...
ORA-01113: file xxxx needs media recovery 由于规范存储位置以及存储空间调整缘故需要移动表空间MRP_INDEX2的数据文件,如下所示,首先将表空间MRP_INDEX2脱机; 然后复制数据文件;接着重命名数据文件,最后将表空间MRP_INDEX2联机. 在操作过后,最后一步将表空间MRP_INDEX2联机上线时,出现了意外错误信息,如下所示:...
ORA-01113:file86 needs media recovery ORA-01110:datafile86:'/u04/epps/oradata/mrp_index2_x02.dbf' 解决方法: 1:首先将对应报错的数据文件脱机 SQL>alterdatabasedatafile'/u04/epps/oradata/mrp_index2_x02.dbf'offline; Databasealtered.
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-01113: File XX Needs Media Recovery
提示Media recovery complete. SQL> alter database open; alter database open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01113: file 3 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data file 3: 'C:/ORACLE/PRODUCT/10.2.0/ORADATA/ORCL/SYSAUX01.DBF' 反复使用recover datafile,最后用alter database open打开了数据库 ...
ORA-01113: file 1 needs media recoveryORA-01110: data file 1: 'D:\ORACLE\ECC\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\SYSTEM.DATA1' I tried to recover the database using backup controlfile and applied a day of archive but the problem is still the same. I already had this error message in the past and ...
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production Good morning, I need to force the DB to open even if in read mode to export a single schema. is there a way since I dont have backups or redologs.