I tried to update the pbix file that was already ready - and again the ora-12170 error. I tried to find a solution for this problem: I replaced the tnsnames.ora file in the oracle folder, installed the latest version of Oracle (19) - but none of this helped. I was advised to ...
Primavera Unifier Cloud Service - Version 18.8 and later: Error: "ORA-12170: TNS: Connect timeout occurred" When Attempting to Use DACS
Error Message = IO Error: Connection reset by peer, Authentication lapse 0 ms. The alert log on the affected database reports: === Fatal NI connect error 12170, connecting to: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<HOSTNAME>)(PORT=<PORT>)) VERSION INFORMATION: TNS for Linux: Version
The ORA-12170 error can be for many reasons, firewall issue, database down, listener down, bad sqlnet.ora parm, network trouble, etc. These links may be help you: http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_ora_12170_tns_connect_timeout.htm You must be a registered user to add a comment. ...
Diagnose ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred with succeeded Go to solution benoit-schmid Contributor on 2012 Jun 25 0 Kudos 1,639 SAP Managed Tags: Oracle Database Hello, It is the second time I see error message from our disp+work process, after our week end offline ...
At times, some users complained about connection timeout, and you saw error messages ORA-3136 in sqlnet.log as such: Fatal NI connect error 12170. ns main err code: 12535 ns secondary err code: 12606 nt OS err code: 0 VERSION INFORMATION: ...
Question: Oracle Net Manager保存网络配置提示无效条目Error writing entry to local tnsnames.ora file Solution: 在开始菜单中找到Oracle - OraDb11g_home1目录 打开配置和移植工具目录 右键Net Manager选择以管理员身份运行 再次进行网络配置然后保存就不会出现这个无效条目Error writ... ...
When trying to connect the database, client reporting the following Error: ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error The database alert log is reporting the error codes. Fatal NI connect error 12170. VERSION INFORMATION: ...
ORA-12170 TNS 連線逾時解決方案 Oracle ORA-01451: 要修改為 NULL 的列無法修改為 NULL Oracle報ORA-01691錯誤,單個資料檔案大小限制問題 生產上資料庫大量的latch free 導致的CPU資源耗盡的問題的解決,latchfree 資料庫管理員DBA 熱門主題 ECS鏡像 RDS索引優化 RDS分區索引 雲上的資料移轉 Web漏洞防護 ...
Solution It can be somewhat challengingto determinethe origin of the client that is causing theerror. For that reason, we often recommend increasing the values forINBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT at both listener and server side sqlnet.orafile as a preventive measure.If theproblemis due to connection tim...