I am a new user of CVX and try solve the convex optimal problem recently in SDPT3 mode. However, the result is always this as below: status: Failed Optimal value (cvx_optval): NaN. The MATLAB code is as below: clc; clear all; gamma = 10e-28; ok = 0.5; ck = 1500; B = 4*...
Optimal value (cvx_optval): NaN Mark_L_Stone(Mark L. Stone)July 3, 2019, 2:34pm5 You haven’t provided the input data. Therefore your problem is not reproducible. Based on the output, we can see that, as intended, CVXQUAD’s Pade Approxiimant was invoked instead of C...
Status: Infeasible Optimal value (cvx_optval): +Inf Minimum Maliyet: Inf Düğüm Akışları: Düğüm 0 → Düğüm 1: Akış NaN Düğüm 0 → Düğüm 2: Akış NaN Düğüm 1 → Düğüm 2: Akış NaN Düğüm 1 → Düğüm 3: Akış NaN ...
Status: Infeasible Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf Hope you all can help, thank you. Mark_L_Stone(Mark L. Stone)April 12, 2024, 10:55am2 You need to change units to improve numerical scaling, so that all non-zero input data is within a small number of orders of magnitude of 1. ...
Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf What is the reason? cvx_begin cvx_solver variable phi_ut(N,1) complex; variable phi_ur(N,1) complex; variable Phi_ut(N,N) hermitian; variable Phi_ur(N,N) hermitian; variable Y nonnegative;