Complex Complex::operator + (const Complex &u) const { Complex v(real+u.real,imag+u.imag); return v; } Complex Complex::operator - (const Complex &u) const { Complex v(real-u.real,imag-u.imag); return v; } Complex Complex::operator* (const Complex &u) const { Complex v(real ...
Complex operator+(Complex &lhs, Complex &rhs);其中,lhs和rhs分别代表左手边和右手边的对象。这种写法确保了运算符的正确实现和高效性能。
Complex(double real,double imag){ m_real = real; m_imag = imag; } Complex(const Complex & c){//这里就是最经典的拷贝构造函数了 m_real = c.m_real; m_imag = c.m_imag; } Complex &operator = (const Complex &rhs){//这里就是最经典的operator=操作符重载了 if (this == &rhs){ r...
Complex(double real, double imag){ m_real = real; m_imag = imag; } Complex(const Complex & c){ //这里就是最经典的拷贝构造函数了 m_real = c.m_real; m_imag = c.m_imag; } Complex &operator = (const Complex &rhs){ //这里就是最经典的operator=操作符重载了 if (this == &rhs)...
Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const; }; 其中,operator+是我们定义的函数名,const Complex& other是操作数,const表示该操作数在运算过程中不会被修改。 然后,在类的实现中,我们为operator+实现功能: Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& other) const { Complex result; result.real = this->...
Tests for equality between two complex numbers, one or both of which may belong to the subset of the type for the real and imaginary parts.复制 template<class Type> bool operator==( const complex<Type>& _Left, const complex<Type>& _Right ); template<class Type> bool operator==( const...
6.5是常量,不能按照complex取址,所以对应的就不是friend Complex operator + ( Complex & , ...
complex b; b = 10; std::cout << "b Conversion constructor: " << b << std::endl; complex c(10); std::cout << "c Conversion constructor: " << c << std::endl; return -1; } //输出 f Normal constuctor: 10 + 15i
`operator_name`是要重载的运算符的名称,`parameters`是运算符函数的参数列表。运算符重载函数可以具有任意名称,但必须以双下划线开头和结尾。例如,要重载加号运算符,可以定义一个名为`__add__`的函数。下面是一个示例,演示如何在C++中重载加号运算符:```cpp class Complex{ public:int real,imag;
class Complex { public: double real; double imag; Complex(double r, double i) : real(r), imag(i) {} // 重载加法运算符 Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const { return Complex(real + other.real, imag + other.imag); } }; 复制代码 这样,你可以像使用内置类型一样使用复数: int...