A port of the [OpenCog's loving-ai ChatScripts](https://github.com/opencog/loving-ai) to Ghost. Builds upon the [Loving AI Project](http://lovingai.org/#about). - loving-ai-ghost/test-scripts/toy-concepts.ghost at master · opencog/loving-ai-ghost
an Office Administrator for Christ Episcopal Church in Sag Harbor for a year and a half, and starting this summer, I began to maintain the website of Babinski's Farm Stand in Water Mill. I
(In fact, I take some credit for helping launch Greg’s career as a theologian; it was I who choose his application out of a stack of applications for an open position in theology and insisted that we interview him. I remember how he absolutely hit the ball out of the ballpark in ...
(c) Hyeon NP along the [11-2] zone axis, obtained by rigid registration of a stack of images of the same area recorded in quick succession (resulting in high signal-to- noise and precision in the image). Dashed lines in (b) and (c) indicate the presence of the structural defects. ...
The depletion in Fe at the twin defect is observed by subtle variations in the near edge structure (ELNES) of both the (labelled O as K(a(–Fdi)g.i n3dF)iga.n 3ddt)h; ethFeerLel2a,3tievdegienste(Fnisgit. y3oe)f.sTohmeeOofKthEeLsNe EfeSatoufrFese,onxaimdeeslydpisepalkay...
{1:function(e,t,n,r,i){var a;return' '+(null!=(a=(n.sanitize||t&&t.sanitize||n.helperMissing).call(null!=t?t:{},null!=t?t.value:t, Open Source Used In DNAC license manager Magneto 7 {name:"sanitize",hash:{},data:i}))?a:"")+"\n"},3:function(e,t,n,r,i){...
A is true if the variable is of type arraylist added conditional ?ST is true if the variable is of type stack added conditional ?Q is true if the variable is of type queue added conditional ?FR is true if the variable is of type filereader added conditional ?FW is true if the ...
Stack Exchange [2%]. We include a dump of Stack Exchange, a website of high quality questions and answers that covers a diverse set of domains, ranging from computer science to chemistry. We kept the data from the 28 largest websites, removed the HTML tags from text and sorted the answer...
I copy-pasted. I am a genius. I should run a company and become a chaebol. Question or task for you. take your birthday. See what happened on that day in history and tell me which event you would make a drama or movie of. Maybe someone important was born? Got married? Beheaded?
The XC800 architecture provides an efficient mechanism to save and modify the current page setting without using the stack. This paging mechanism contains 4 storage containers for the save and restore action. Application Note 97 V2.0, 2010-05 AP08082 XC878 Starter-Kit Playing Music Fo...