解释"bash: open: command not found"错误信息的含义 当你在bash shell中看到“bash: open: command not found”的错误信息时,这意味着bash无法找到名为“open”的命令。在Unix或Linux系统中,open命令通常不是内置的,这与MacOS系统不同,在MacOS中open是一个用于打开文件或应用程序的有效命令。 可能导致这个错误信...
openstack错误command not found openstack-service restart出现问题,看明白错误提示,明白出错的原因如下面的问题:执行命令sudo service nova-api restart返回结果restart: Unknown instance有些读者可能刚开始接触Linux操作系统,对于这些
最后一步是重新登录系统,以确保环境变量和OpenStack客户端的配置生效。在重新登录后,尝试输入OpenStack相关命令,应该不再出现“command not found”的错误提示。 解决方案示例 下面是一个简单的序列图示例,展示了解决OpenStack环境配置问题的过程: SystemUserSystemUser输入OpenStack命令显示“command not found”错误检查环...
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded. The problem is still not resolved for me. However, I start the server using this command now :grunt serve --force. It doesn't crash but shows the problem. However, after this I am successfully able to go to the localho...
Environment Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 Issue After installing OSP10 via director, unable to run 'openstack-status' command: Raw [stack@osp10-instack~]$ openstack-status -bash: openstack-status: command not found Resolution The commands likeopenstack-status,openstack-serviceandopenstack-config...
平台:windows子系统Ubuntu,OpenFOAM版本: OpenFOAM-v2012 (2012) 问题:按照东岳流体的OpenFOAM教程http://dyfluid.com/docs/book/_book/chapter2/ wmake后出现以下问题 解决办法:装上gcc。虽然Ubuntu显示有gcc了,但是按照知乎https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/146205444 ...
yum install -y openstack-utils centos系统,其他类似
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command In the right pane, double-click the (Default) value. Delete the current value data, and then type: "%1" %* Tip: Type the characters: quote-percent-one-quote-space-percent-asterisk. Close Regedit utility. ...
useatomcommand from the command line to open a file or directory Expected behavior: Atom opens with the selected file or directory. Yay! Actual behavior: /cygdrive/c/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/atom/bin/../app-1.25.0/resources/cli/atom.sh: line 21: cmd.exe: command not found ...
openstack 没有可用的控制台 openstack command not found 1、部署Micro Bosh碰到的问题 1.1、Micro Bosh虚拟机上执行micro bosh部署命令时出错: bosh micro deploy /var/vcap/stemcells/micro-bosh-stemcell-openstack-kvm-0.8.1.tgz 1. 报错信息: Could not find Cloud Provider Plugin: openstack...