doi:10.1002/ange.19560680818No abstract is available for this article.Angewandte ChemieA. RoedigG. MärklS. Schoedel
doi:10.1002/mmnd.19940410210Stelter, HWiley‐VCH VerlagDeutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eckert A, Hauptmann S, Scherping I, Rhein V, Muller-Spahn F, Gotz J, Muller WE (2008) Soluble beta-amyloid leads to mitochondrial defects in amyloid precursor protein and tau transgenic mice. Neurodegener Dis 5, 157-159.Eckert A, Hauptmann S, Scherping I, Rhein V, Muller-...
The present invention relates to novel substituted (α,β-fused butyrolactones, to processes for their preparation and to their use for the prevention and/or treatment of disorders caused by hyper- or hypofunction of the glutamatergic system, in particular of cerebral ischaemias, craniocerebral ...
The invention is characterized in that the stacking unit comprises an electromechanical switching unit for detecting the information plates () and in that the switching unit can be operated by the plate edges of the information plates ().doi:US6600701 B1Kunze, NorbertReber,JörgMüller,StefanUS...
doi:10.1002/nadc.19650131110No abstract is available for this article.Kuhn, RichardJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
doi:10.1002/1521-4052(200208)33:83.0.CO;2-XI. TikhovskiUniversitaet GH EssenH. BrauerA. FischerJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik
A method for stretching a flexible panel without creasing onto a display stand, e.g. for promotional and educational purposes, has the edges of the panel fitted with thickened seams which are located in C-profiled rails (8) along the four edges of the panel. The rails are gripped by ...
N 1‐85166‐573‐0. Welt der Düfte: „Perfumes: Art, Science and Technology”︁. Hrsg. von P. M. Müller und D. Lamparsky, Elsevier Applied Science, London ‐ New York 1991. 658 S., geb. $190.00, £95.00, ISBN 1‐85166‐573‐0....
The bridge superstructure, including the concrete slab, was completely prefabricated and transported to the site in one piece on a low-boarding truck. It took a mobile crane only a few hours to heave the bridge onto its supports.doi:10.1002/stab.200590171Christoph Ackermann Dipl.-IngStahlbau...