Stadtklimastädtischer Freiraumthermischer KomfortAs the urban heat island is not a homogenous factor the microclimate conditions play an important role also for single buildings and the situation inside. For a better consideration of this aspect in the planning process, qualitative and especially ...
Universitätsstadt im Herzen Europas: Louvain-la-Neuvedoi:10.1002/nadc.19740221404No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
The strengthening of the metropolitan core requires an integrated strategy for its periphery. Experiences from Saxony are presented in this paper.doi:10.1080/02513625.2010.10557091zur NeddenMartinTaylor & Francis GroupDisp the Planning Review
That means that the concept of the city as a place of science and innovation has determined the architectural, spatial, and social organization of these sites on the periphery of cities. Certain features of the city have been copied, such as social infrastructures, places of communication, ...
ringing, the wish of the community could be satisfied to place a 5 th bell into the bellfry. With the aid of a measurement of the tower amplitudes, the problem could be localized and a restoration plan can be developed. By a structural alteration of the mass and stiffness ratio in the ...
It is a research platform that by the time, has only been controlled and driven by a radiodoi:10.1002/cber.188101401243W. HalberstadtBerichte Der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft
doi:10.1002/best.200300450No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Beton‐ Und Stahlbetonbau