去购买 更新于2014-11-26 [已过期]JC Penney黑色星期五网上促销开始 网上开卖! 更新:JCPenny黑五网上促销开始! 店铺开门时间今天11月27日下午5点 . 点此查看JCPenny2014黑五促销海报 点此进入DealMoon黑色星期五专题页面 English JCPenney 618 写评论
Both J.C. Penney and Neiman Marcus are reportedly skipping interest payments on bonds due this month, giving credence toreportsthat the two department stores are considering filing for bankruptcy or some other form of financial restructuring. J.C. Penney announced that it would not make an approx...
去购买 更新于2014-11-26 [已过期]JC Penney黑色星期五网上促销开始 网上开卖! 更新:JCPenny黑五网上促销开始! 店铺开门时间今天11月27日下午5点 . 点此查看JCPenny2014黑五促销海报 点此进入DealMoon黑色星期五专题页面 English JCPenney 618 写评论