doi:10.1002/nadc.19830310611No abstract is available for this article.Schneider, G. M.BochumJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
10;937‐5.]]>No abstract is available for this article.Taubmann, GerhardUlmJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
Activities for protection and the initiation of a conservation project for these rare ferns are highly necessary.Angewandte ChemieHans-Joachim Knölker
This article examines the susceptibility of different provenances of Pinus nigra to Scleroderris lagerbergii. Six year-old Pinus nigra plants, raised from seed from Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Turkey were in three successive years infected with conidia of S. lagerbergii. The ...
doi:10.1002/cber.19230560718Heller, GustavLaborat. für Angewandte Chemie u. Pharmazie d. Universität LeipzigKöhler, WilliLaborat. für Angewandte Chemie u. Pharmazie d. Universität LeipzigWILEY‐VCH VerlagBerichte Der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft...
doi:10.1002/apmc.1986.051380117Alois Matějí?ekJosef SeidlJaroslav HorkyDie Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie
Alecke B, Mitze T (2012) Studiengebühren und das Wanderungsverhalten von Studienanfängern: eine panel‐ökonometrische Wirkungsanalyse. PWP 13(4):357–386Alecke B, Mitze T (2012) Studiengebühren und das Wanderungsverhalten von Studienanfängern: Eine panel-ökonom...
This latter unit consists of an injection cooler (quencher), two rotary scrubbers, and a jet scrubber. The cleaned flue gas is reheated in two heat exchangers and is discharged from a suction blower through a 100 m high chimney into the atmosphere. Around the chimney several measuring ...
Acta Neurol Scand 49: [Suppl 53] 54–59Kick, H. and Dreyer, R.: Klinische Erfahrungen mit Clonazepam unter besonderer Berucksightigung psychomotorische Anfalle. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 49 (Suppl. 53): 54 (1973).
Five cases with so-called "Dermato- und Enterozoenwahn" are reported, and the following themes are analysed from the "multidimensional" point of view:1) process to build the shape of the intruder which is bothering the patients, 2) behavior against the intruding small animal and attitude ...