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doi:10.1002/bbpc.19220282105First page of articleEuler, H. V.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie
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在敏捷環境中,唯一需要的UML工具可能就是一塊白板:它對團隊來說非常容易理解並且可見,並且不會對你投入的東西太挑剔。此外,如果您想長時間保存繪圖,只需製作白板快照(避免圖片中的反射似乎是最大的挑戰...)。 對於那些真正想要用(免費)軟件繪製UML的人來說,仍然有幾種可能性(自由軟件,開源軟件,社區版本等)。 ...
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doi:10.1002/ardp.18932310706First page of articleSchmidtErnstWILEY‐VCH VerlagArchiv Der Pharmazie
[Online code run IDE]没想到连IDE都在线了,以下的,都在线了:UMLdiagramIDE(,whereyoucanjustpasteyourcodeinandrunittogetresultforlistoflanguages)
Melt-processible, thermoplastic poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) compositions are disclosed and methods for making and processing same. Additionally, products comprising these compositions are describ
说到颖儿想必大家都很清楚,但是刘颖却没有人直到,其实颖儿的全名就叫刘颖。颖儿是最近几年娱乐圈里比较火的流量女星。他出生在湖南常德市,颖儿从小就多才多艺。小时候不但喜欢唱歌和跳舞,在三岁的时候还曾经学习过书法,是典型的才女。 所以他凭借自己的努力考上了中...
the mechanical effect of the agitator should not compromise the integrity of the cells. In the case of rotating agitators, quite often the culture medium creates a turbulent vortex into which the cells are sucked. Under the turbulent vortex conditions, the cells are at greater risk of being me...