1. This one-size-fits-all approach to education fails to meet the diverse needs of students. (这种一刀切的教育方法无法满足学生的多样化需求。) 2. Personalized medicine is shifting away from the one-size-fits-all model to tailor treatments for individual patients. (个性化医疗正在从一刀切的模式转变...
“standardized approach”:指的是一种统一、标准化的方法,不考虑个体差异。 例句:The company adopts a standardized approach to project management. “universal solution”:意味着一个适用于所有人的解决方案,类似于“one size fits all”。 例句:There is no universal solution to this problem; it requires...
原声例句:There is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning. 没有放之四海而皆准的学习方法。 原声例句:There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. 这个问题没有一个统一的答案。 They're one size fits all. We can pad if need be. 这是均码号。如果太大,加垫一下也行。 图片源自...
“standardized approach”:指的是一种统一、标准化的方法,不考虑个体差异。 例句:The company adopts a standardized approach to project management. “universal solution”:意味着一个适用于所有人的解决方案,类似于“one size fits all”。 例句:There is no universal solution...
★原声例句:There is noone-size-fits-allapproach to learning. 没有放之四海而皆准的学习方法。 ★原声例句:There's noone-size-fits-allanswer to this question. 这个问题没有一个统一的答案。 They'reone size fits all. W...