1、To take one's life for granted───活着是想当然的事 2、take one's life upon a thing───拚着性命去做某事。 take one s life相似词语短语 1、all one s life───一生 2、take one───拿一个 3、risk one s life───冒生命危险 4、one take───一次成型;一次过;一镜到底(指拍...
to one's surprise的用法 "To one's surprise" is an idiomatic expression that means something unexpected or surprising happened to someone. It is usually used to express the speaker or writer's surprise about a particular situation or event. Here are some examples of how to use "to one's ...
deserves its reputation 中reputation/repjʊ'teɪʃ(ə)n/ 是名词,意思是名声名气,这个词语直译就是值得它的声誉,也就是名副其实名不虚传啦。 不过,名不虚传除了可以译为这个,还可以译为live up to one’s reputation或ha...