Yu. G. Reshetnyak,Weak convergence of completely additive functions on a set, Siberian Math. J.,9(1968), pp. 1039–1045. Google Scholar R. T. Rockafellar,Convex Analysis, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey (1972).
Let X be a completely regular T 1 space, E a boundedly complete vector lattice, C(X) (C b (X)) the space of all (bounded), real-valued continuous functions on X. In order convergence, we consider E-valued, order-bounded, σ-additive, τ-... NE Steenrod - 《Advances in Mathematic...
For type Ⅱ rocks, the ESE stored within the rock is fully responsible for the rock failure; thus, the releasable ESE can be completely used to transform the fracture energy needed for rock failure. Therefore, the applicability of the proposed brittleness indexes in type Ⅱ rocks needs to be...
In this article, a novel image de-noising method is proposed. This method is based on spherical coordinates system. First, spherical transform is re-defined in wavelet domain, and the properties of the spherical transform in wavelet domain are listed. Th
The LightGBM architecture is described in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 The structure of LightGBM for the RUL prediction Full size image \(K\) additive functions are used to predict the output, which is defined as follows: $${\widehat{y}}_{i}=\sum_{k=1}^{K}{f}_{k}\left({x}_{i}\right)...
There is something slightly wasteful about this inequality, because the fat tubes used to define occupy a lot of space that is not in . An improved inequality here is where is the multiplicity, not of the fat tubes , but rather of the smaller set . The point here is that by the ...
pick and choose how she/he wants to interpret the regression coefficients, in a way that’s statistically well-founded (e.g., it does not require running many post hoc tests) without changing the model (in the sense that the fit in data space does not change) or compromising model fit....
摘要:A classical result in information theory states that the Gaussian noise is the worst-case additive noise in point-to-point channels, meaning that, for a fixed noise variance, the Gaussian noise minimizes the capacity of an additive noise channel. In this paper, we significan...
Using the geometric interpretation, one can identify the algebra of functions on the space of Miura(G,\hbar )-opers associated with a given quiver with the algebraK^q_T(X)for a given quiver varietyX. An interesting feature of the introduced formalism is the following. In [FKSZ] we develo...
maFEG preserves completely the geometric and topological information of B-Rep models. Furthermore, graph neural networks (GNNs), a type of neural network designed for graph data, were used to learn the possible patterns of machining features in maFEG. Based on one of the currently most powerful...