The newly identified APOA5 is a crucial determinant of triglyceride levels and therefore the study of the factors regulating its gene expression is of significant importance. The first part of our studies aims at determining the rôle of APOA5 in inflamma...
As no efficient post emergence herbicide is available, weeding is done mechanically and manually. Using mulch could be a possible alternative to current practices. Degradable paper mulches (pale, pale/black, black/pale) were compared with polyethylene mulches (white/black or black) and a manually ...
Ces modèles peuvent paraître ésotériques au premier abord, ce sont en fait des moyens simples, puissants et élégants de définir un ensemble de paramètres de planification d'évènements. Les modèles Cron de...
Pour tous ceux qui aiment la langue française. Son histoire, sa grammaire et son orthographe. Des dictées commentées, des exercices ébouriffants, un florilège de textes d'auteurs, etc.
The final goal would be the realization of an electro optical modulator. Finally, we also studied multimode laser emission as a potential probe of photopolymerizable media.doi:10.1016/j.oftal.2010.11.018de la Paz, M.FBibliogr
Published weekly online and twice a month in print.doi:10.1046/j.1523-1755.2003.00892.xAlbert FournierAbderhamane GhazaliClaire PresneMich|[egrave]|le Garab|[eacute]|dianElsevier Inc.Kidney International
L. M$eacute$$egrave$sG. GouesbetG. Gr$eacute$hanJournal of Optics A Pure & Applied OpticsMees L, Gouesbet G, and Grehan G. Numerical predictions of microcavity internal fields created by femtosecond pulses, with emphasis on whispering gallery modes. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied ...
We studied the effect of a single intravenous bolus of 0.5 μg/kg of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) on plasma GH, prolactin (PRL) and somatomedin C (SMC) in 12 short normal children and 24 patients with severe GH deficiency (GHD), i.e. GH < 5 ng/ml after insulin and ...
Dreher F, Fouchard F, Patouillet C, Andrian M, Simmonet JT, Benech-Kieffer E. Comparison of cutaneous bioavailability of cosmetics preparations containing caffeine or alpha-tocopherol applied on human skin models or human skin ex vivo at finite doses. Skin PharmacolAppl Skin Physiol 2002;15 (...
is a legume that is highly coveted by West African populations, particularly those in Senegal. However, it suffers enormous damage caused by a bruchidae beetle, Caryedon serratus. This lust rests on its richness in proteins, calories and the absence of major constraints for its production. ...