I'm in the exact same situation as you and opted for the MBA. I'm willing to shell out the extra $$ for the thing and light design, although the deciding factor for me was the NVIDIA 9400M. Also, It'll basically have the same perfomance as the Macbook given its larg...
1)Idon'tgetit我不懂2)catchyourdrift懂你的意思3)Idon'tgetwhatyoumean我不懂你的意思4)Idon'tgraspthemeaning我不懂这个意思5)I'mnotfollowing我有点儿不明白,我听不懂你的话 1)bagel硬面包圈2)loafofbread一条面包3)baguette法式长棍面包4)muffin松饼5)toast烤面包 1)obsessedwith非常非常喜欢2)dig...