Anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade III) is an IDH-mutant and 1p/19q co-deleted oligodendroglioma with focal or diffuse histological features of anaplasia (in particular, pathological microvascular proliferation and/or brisk mitotic activity). Histologically, it is a cellular, diffusely infiltrating ...
OD has 2 main types: the well-differentiated low-grade OD (WHO grade II) and the anaplastic OD (WHO grade III). Histopathologic features of low-grade OD are moderate cellularity and little or no mitotic activity. Uniform round nuclei surrounded by a perinuclear halo of clear cytoplasm create...
Purpose: Oligodendrogliomas (ODGs) are a subtype of diffuse lower-grade gliomas with overall survival of > 10 years. This study aims to analyze long-term outcomes and identify prognostic factors in patients with WHO grade 2 ODG. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 138 adult patients diagnosed wi...
COX-2 positivity was found in 44% tumors. Median survival of the patients with a COX-2 positive lesion was 37 months; median survival of the patients with a COX-2 negative lesion was 93 months (P = 0.010). Twenty-nine percent WHO grade II tumors, 87% WHO grade III, 50% ...
In addition, no significant differences are found in the vessel number and %Vessel between the CNS WHO grade 2 and grade 3 (p = 0.121 and p = 0.475, respectively). Conclusion The cortical high-flow sign on ASL, which is more commonly found in ODG IDHm-codel than in diffuse ...
Additional file 2: Figure S1. Histopathological features of primary and recurrent tumors in a 34 year-old female (patient 6). The primary tumor was diagnosed as anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade III) (A). Postoperatively, the patient was treated with 8 courses of PAV chemotherapy. Eight...
It is difficult to differentiate AO from OD (WHO grade II) based on CT or MRI, as OD and AO share radiographic findings including calcification and enhancement. There are slight but unspecific differences in MRI. OD also shows minimal or moderate enhancement in many cases19. However, strong ...
Most importantly, patients who exhibit these chromosomal deletions respond favorably to chemotherapy. This article reviews the evidence describing the association of such deletions with a favorable response to chemotherapy and improved prognosis of patients with oligodendrogliomas. In addition, attempts to ...
p18 immunoreactivity exhibited a clear tendency to elevate with increasing tumor grade, and the mean p18 labeling index was 9.7% for low-grade (World Health Organization [WHO] grade II) and 19.2% for high-grade (WHO III) tumors. p14-immunopositive nuclei were found in 87 (74%) tumors, ...
Pathology also showed AO WHO grade III, with similar histology. Subsequently, irradiation therapy concomitant with TMZ, 75 mg · m-2 · d-1 for 42 days, was given and then 3 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy with a dose-intensive regimen of TMZ [10] of 75 mg · m-2 ·...