In 2015, as the United States was rediscovering its love of American whiskey, Campari America approached Moxie Sozo for help restoring bourbon history’s most beloved brands. The Ripy family’s legacy is enshrined on Main Street of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, where the T.B. Ripy House stands to...
野火鸡(Wild Turkey) 野火鸡(Wild Turkey)坐落于美国肯塔基州(Kentucky)产区的劳伦斯堡(Lawrenceburg),现为美国金巴利集团(Campari Group)旗下的一个威士忌品牌,是美国最畅销的波本威士忌品牌之一。1869年,里比兄弟(Ripy Brothers)在劳伦斯堡的一座小山丘上建立了一个家族式蒸馏厂。很快,他们的威士忌就出名了,在1893...
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