MATHEMATICS educationMOTHERSQUALITATIVE researchPRESCHOOL childrenMOTHER-child relationshipFATHER-child relationshipPreschool years come across to the period when rapid changes in different developmental areas of children has occurred. During this period, children experience various...
Okul ncesi Eitim Etkinlik Kitaplarnda Yer Alan Matematik Etkinliklerinin Eletirel Düünmeyi Desteklemesi Asndan ncelenmesidoi:10.37217/tebd.1365556The aim of this study is to examine the mathematics activities in preschool education activity books in terms of supporting critical...
Okul ncesi retmen Adaylarnn Matematik retmeye Ne Kadar Hazr Olduklarna likin Baz pularAysun Umay
Okul ncesi retmenlerinin Matematik Etkinliklerinde ve D Mekn Kullanmna likin Grüleri ve Uygulamalardoi:10.37669/milliegitim.1108799In this research, the views and practices of preschool teachers on the use of indoor and outdoor in math activities were examined with...
Moreover, no difference was found among the age and handedness variables for the mathematics skills scores.TABUK, MesutNAN, MehmetTABUK, MetinErzincan University Journal of Education Faculty / Erzincan niversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi
Okul ncesi retmen ve retmen Adaylarnn Matematiksel Geliime likin nanlarnn Karlatrlmasdoi:10.17051/ilkonline.2019.632871MANN Whitney U TestPRESCHOOL teachersSTUDENT teachersTEACHER developmentOCCUPATIONAL prestigeIn this study, it was aimed to determine the similarities an...
Okul ncesi Aday retmenlerin renme Stillerinin Matematiksel Algoritmaya Dayal Olarak Modellenmesidoi:10.30964/auebfd.405853ANKARA (Turkey)COGNITIVE stylesPRESCHOOL teachersREFLECTIVE learningSTUDENT teachersVISUAL learningEARLY childhood teachersThe aim of the study is to model the learning...