Okul ncesi retmenlerinin Eitim-retim Sürelerinde Uygulamay Tercih Ettikleri Etkinlik Türlerine likin Grüleridoi:10.30964/auebfd.696279ISTANBUL (Turkey)PRESCHOOL teachersSCIENTIFIC literacyTURKISH languageSCHOOL yearSEMI-structured interviewsThe main purpose of this research determine the op...
Anne baba disiplin yntemlerinin okul ncesi dnemdeki ocuklarn sosyal yetkinlik düzeyine etkisi 来自 钛学术 喜欢 0 阅读量: 24 作者: S Kilic 摘要: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of parental discipline practices on preschoolers' social competence. This study was carried ...
Okul ncesi Eitim Etkinlik Kitaplarnda Yer Alan Matematik Etkinliklerinin Eletirel Düünmeyi Desteklemesi Asndan ncelenmesidoi:10.37217/tebd.1365556The aim of this study is to examine the mathematics activities in preschool education activity books in terms of supporting critical think...