Okul ncesi Eitim Etkinlik Kitaplarnda Yer Alan Matematik Etkinliklerinin Eletirel Düünmeyi Desteklemesi Asndan ncelenmesidoi:10.37217/tebd.1365556The aim of this study is to examine the mathematics activities in preschool education activity books in terms of supporting critical...
niversite rencilerinin Manevi yi Olularnn Aklanmasnda Psikolojik Esneklik ve eitli Demografik Deikenlerin Rolü Manevi iyi olu; belirli bir dine, manevi uygulamaya veya ideolojiye deil; insann anlam, ama ve kendisinden daha büyük bir eyle balant kurma ihtiyacna atfta bulunan bir kavram...
Okul ncesi retmenlerinin evre Bilinci Oluturma Etkinliklerine Ynelik Grülerinin ncelenmesidoi:10.52096/jsrbs.9.18.05The general aim of this research is to determine and analyze the opinions of pre-school teachers in Gen province of Bingl on the educational activities ai...
Okul ncesi retmenlerinin Fen retimine Ynelik Tutumlar ile Fen ve Doa Etkinliklerine Ynelik Grüleridoi:10.17679/inuefd.1000517TEACHER attitudesPRESCHOOL teachersSCIENCE teachersSCHOOL yearPRESCHOOL childrenPRESCHOOL educationThis study aimed at examining pre-school teachers' attit...
Geri Dnüüm Etkinliklerinin Okul ncesi Eitim Kurumu rencilerinin Farkndalk Düzeylerine Etkisinin ncelenmesidoi:10.32709/akusosbil.1050483The aim of this study is to examine the effects of recycling activities on the recycling awareness of preschoolers 5-6 years o...
Okul ncesi retmenlerinin Matematik Etkinliklerinde ve D Mekn Kullanmna likin Grüleri ve Uygulamalardoi:10.37669/milliegitim.1108799In this research, the views and practices of preschool teachers on the use of indoor and outdoor in math activities were examined with...
Artrlm Gereklik ve Fen Etkinlikleri: Okul ncesi retmen ve retmen Adaylarnn Grüleridoi:10.33711/yyuefd.710054This study aims to determine the views of preschool teachers and pre-service preschool teachers about Augmented Reality (AR) technology integrated preschool science...
Okul ncesi retmenlerinin Snf D Etkinlikler Kapsamndaki Bilisel Geliim nanlardoi:10.37217/tebd.904527PRESCHOOL teachersCOGNITIVE developmentPRESCHOOL educationOUTDOOR recreationQUALITATIVE researchThis study, which aims to examine preschool teachers' cognitive development beliefs within the scope ...
Okul ncesi dnemde yaratcl gelitiren fen etkinliklerine okul ncesi retmenlerinin bak as ve yaratclk terimidoi:10.31795/baunsobed.880823PRESCHOOL teachersCREATIVE ability in childrenSOCIAL acceptanceSCIENCE teachersTHEMATIC analysisCREATIVE ability
This study aims to determine the needs of preschool teachers for using Cubism as a method in visual arts activities. It was conducted according to the case study model, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group consisted of 43 preschool teachers working as ...