获取检测平面的二维顶点数组时报错:“plane is nullptr!”,返回错误码:401 摄像头被遮挡一段时间后再放开,输出的位姿有跳变 反光、光线暗或者弱纹理场景(输入图像颜色变化小)下无法识别平面 某些特殊场景下(如附近存在磁场干扰、手机发烫或扫描到重复纹理等),出现平面漂移或者位姿数据跳变现象 应用服务开发 ...
huks.isKeyItemExist和huks.hasKeyItem的区别 用户身份认证(User Authentication) 如何使用人脸识别 证书管理(Device Certificate) HarmonyOS是否支持CFCA证书预置 证书链校验器的参数如何获取? 网络 网络(Network) http网络请求中extraData支持的数据格式有哪些 http请求的错误码28是什么意思 http请求中respon...
【Para.5】Somewhat, but not fully. Last year’s covid-boosted baseline is not the only thing weighing on the digital-ad market. Ad-sellers are feeling the delayed effect of Apple’s change last year to the privacy settings on iPhones, which stops advertis...
8-OH-DPAT 是一种有效的,选择性的 5-HT 激动剂,对 5-HT1A 的 pIC50 值为 8.19,对 5-HT7 的 Ki 值为 466 nM,对 5-HT1B (pIC50, 5.42) 和 5-HT (pIC50 <5) 的作用很弱。 靶点 5-HT 1A Receptor 8.19 (pIC 50 ) 5-HT 7 Receptor 466 nM (Ki) 体外研究 8-OH-DPAT is a poten...
Anzu Mazaki, known as Téa Gardner in the English version of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. This is the original depiction of Anzu Mazaki, known as Téa Gardner in most English media, as created by Kazuki Ta
What reason I have been fighting up until now? If I continue fighting, I will carve open a path to the future. Sacrificing other things will not give people a future. Yuma Tsukumo (九十九 (つくも) 遊馬 (ゆうま) , Tsukumo Yūma) is the main protagonist of
Deck B Expand Cosmo Blazer Poster Expand Notes ↑Japanese readings are given in parentheses. ↑"Hien" means "flying swallow". ↑From Mandarin Chinesexióngmāo ↑A "hermit" (仙) in Chinese myths is a human or monster that achieves immortality and powers second only to a god. Here it is us...
"The Agent" (代 (だい) 行 (こう) 者 (しゃ) Daikōsha) is an archetype of LIGHT and DARK Fairy monsters. They were introduced in Ancient Sanctuary, and were reprinted in Dark Revelation Volume 2. They made a return in the Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck/Str
I never let on about how I felt, but deep inside, my heart was breaking. The other members rode beautiful,registered horses. When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly shown the gate . No amount of preparation and love would turn C...
rhombohedron- a parallelepiped bounded by six similar faces (either rhombuses or parallelograms) parallelepiped,parallelepipedon,parallelopiped,parallelopipedon- a prism whose bases are parallelograms hexahedron- any polyhedron having six plane faces ...