Best Quote: "When Pam gets Michael's old chair, I get Pam's old chair. Then I'll have two chairs... Only one to go." -Creed Kevin getting a win in this episode — basically crying to get the office's parking spots back — is low-key the best moment. It's sweet and an inst...
"If you have chairs that have mesh bottoms, tape wet sponges to the bottom of the chair under where the person sits. They probably will not be able to see it. This has definitely worked in the past for me. The guys legs were very wet." jonathan22877 Report 5points POST kitten...
But it was great to be part of something so extraordinary. They only gave me a little chair though, so when everyone was sat around Maggie Smith and Michael Gambon and Alan Rickman and Daniel Radcliffe all towered over me in these fancy cast chairs. Still a pleasure to be there though."...