注册Microsoft 365 后,你和你的员工可以安装 Office 应用。 登录到 Microsoft 365 管理中心,然后选择“Office 软件”。 在“语言”下,选择想要使用的语言,然后选择“安装”。 在出现提示时,选择“运行”。 当系统询问“是否允许此应用对你的设备进行更改?”时,选择“是”。
你没有 office 的 Microsoft 365 或非订阅版本(或 Project Standard 等独立应用) 若要从office.com安装桌面 Office 应用,需要Microsoft 365 订阅或非订阅版本,如 Office 小型企业版或 Office 家庭版和学生版。 如果没有这些版本的 Office,可以立即购买 Office,也可以开始为期一个月的免费试用版 Micro...
一、该报错可能是由于前一次卸载没有卸载干净,注册表残留,可以使用官方软件进行清除,然后制作配置表,管理员CMD运行安装配置表文件。 二、操作步骤 office365 1.清除原有的微软产品(注册表、残留数据) 工具:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/uninstall-office-from-a-pc-9dd49b83-264a-477a-8fcc-2f...
But it still not work.office 365 Reply kwester-ebbinghaus-business Iron Contributor Jun 12, 2021 Could it be you are using FSLogix? Reply Share Resources What's new Surface Pro 9 Surface Laptop 5 Surface Studio 2+ Surface Laptop Go 2 Surface Laptop Studio Surf...
How to install Microsoft Office 365 Step 1: The file you download is img file, so you need to extract it. You can use7-Zipto extract img file Step 2: After you extract, you have O365ProPlusRetail folder. You open this folder and you click “Setup.exe” =>Run ...
Office 365 普通用户手册 在 Android 平板上安装和配置 Office 365 在 Android 平板上安装和配置 Office 365 应用 在 Android 平板上绑定 Office 365 账号和配置邮箱账号的操作相同,只需进行 1 种配 置即可. 安装 Office for Android 平板应用 Office for Android 平板包含 Word,Excel,PowerPoint,OneNote,Lync 等...
Cannot install Office 365 I have a big problem. I bought a new Dell Inspiration on June 4, 2018 but have been unable to install either of my two Office 365 account apps. I spent three hours on line with my remote private tech support vendor - they couldn't fix it so they referred ...
Can't install 64-bit Office with 32-bit Can't install 64-bit version of Office with Click-to-Run Can't locate proxy server when clicking hyperlink Can't open a file from UNC share Can't open Click-to-run version of Office on terminal server Can't open this add-in from...
目前使用者尚未安裝Microsoft程式。 請執行安裝程式以安裝應用程式。 注意 程式佔位元代表您嘗試啟動的 Office 程式名稱。 解決方法 若要解決此問題,請使用下列其中一個方法。 方法1 將錯誤訊息中所列登錄子機碼之 Everyone群組的許可權設定為 [完全控制]。
The Microsoft 365 app (formerly Office) is home to all your favorite productivity apps and content. It helps you find, create, share and save your content all in one place with Copilot*, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. Just sign in with your work, sch