Fix an issue where Visio won't close after closing a saved Visio file. Fix an issue where large metafiles or highly zoomed metafiles appear blurry. Word: Non-security updates Fix an issue where the focus switches to a small dialog box in the upper right corner when typing East Asian charac...
Sometimes you may need to uninstall Office 2007 or 2010 – e.g. before selling a computer you could remove it so that you can reuse the license and install it on a new computer, or you may have a trial version of MS Office you don’t want to keep. You should first try removing it...
uninstall present as user, not present as administrator - 0x80070659 forbidden system policy Unknown Status for Local Server Properties Unknown_Module -windbg Unzip files on Server 2012 R2 Update failing - HRESULT = 0x80070003 - ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Updates failing Updates won't install on Windows...
Fix an issue where Visio won't close after closing a saved Visio file. Fix an issue where large metafiles or highly zoomed metafiles appear blurry.Word: Non-security updatesFix an issue where the focus switches to a small dialog box in the upper right corner when typing East Asian ...