These SUVs are the ultimate tools for off-road driving thanks to their available two-speed transfer cases, plentiful ground clearance, and knobby tires.
先是宾利后是SUV offroad体验宾利添越V8 外观:时尚中透露着尊贵 下了飞机,机场前面停着四辆崭新的宾利添越,我毫不犹豫的走向了后排,并不是添越那700多牛·米的扭矩数值不够诱人,而是像宾利这种超豪华品牌后排的尊贵性早已根植于人们心目当中。即便它有着V8的引擎,即便它是一台SUV,即便它强调运动与越野...
谁说城市SUV不能越野 Tiguan Offroad官图 日前,大众官方发布了Tiguan Offroad版车型的官图。新车可以看作是Tiguan的“越野套件版”车型。据悉,该车在德国的起售价格为40925欧元(约合人民币32.36万元)。Tiguan Offroad换装了一套全新的车身包围,拥有了24°的接近角。前包围底部新增的银色下护板,轮圈方则标配...
那就开始Off Road吧!该越野路段名为红土沟卢比肯小道,仿照美国内华达山脉中号称全世界最险恶的越野路段卢比肯小道而建,可以说这里是华北地区规模最广,难度系数最大的越野赛道。在越野路段中,如何判断路况,如何爬坡,如何下坡,甚至如何克服紧张心理,都在教练的谆谆教导中让很多朋友受益匪浅。项目分为计时路段和障...
the vehicle’s water fording rating in the Owner’s Manual. Traversing water can cause damage that may not be covered by the new vehicle warranty. Always off road responsibly in approved areas.'></span>, the driver and front passenger seats make it easy to set personal comfort.<br><br>...
SUVs for Off-Road Off-roading is an exciting yet risky activity. You do not have to think of it as terrifying and sit at home, avoiding it completely. If you have the perfect SUV for your off-road excursion, it will be secure and enjoyable. Here are the top 5 recommendations for the...
长安凯程F70驾驶起来给人最大的感觉是质感不再像以往国产皮卡那么廉价,开起来它更像是一台“身材魁梧”的柴油SUV,能提供乘用车的驾驶质感。 这台2.5T柴油发动机低扭表现不错,动力直接,切换低速四驱模式,爬大坡显得很轻松。得益于29°的接近角、27°的离去角和230mm的最小离地间隙,在随后经过烂路和连续的爬坡,...
Welcome to the world of off-road SUVs and Russian! A realistic physical behavior of an SUV while driving on a different road, whether boulders, mud puddles, pro…
If you're looking to go off-road with your ATV, discover where to go, which tires to use, and what mechanical parts you'll need to update in this guide.
Nothing adventures like GMC AT4 off-road trucks and SUVs when leaving pavement behind for muddy backroads, snow landscapes and mountainous terrains.