encourage,雖 然是同義,但我希望大家留意到名詞 和 動詞 之間的分別。 legco.gov.hkIn the third place, the noun "talmud" has the meaning which alone can be genetically connected with the name "Talmud"; in tannaitic phraseology the verb "limmed" denotes the exegetic deduction of a halakic ...
In BabyloniatheAramaicnoun"gemar" (emphatic state, "gemara") was formed from the verb (which does not occur in Palestinian texts), havingthemeaningof"learn. mb-soft.com mb-soft.com 在巴比伦的阿拉姆语名词“gemar”(有力的状态,“革马拉”)是形成了从动词(这不会发生在巴勒斯坦文本)具有的意义,“...
These kids, most of them are from poor families, can’t receive a good education and thus have to work at an early age. (X) 最後,我們另外再舉幾個關代前面放有數量代名詞的例句: You should check out the latest TV shows, some of which are really interesting. (你應該要看一看最新推出的...
We’ll demonstrate with the noun ryōri (料理), meaning “cooking,” which becomes “to cook” as a suru verb. Here are examples where suru is added, and then conjugated into different forms: Japanese English 私は料理するwatashi wa ryōri suru I cook (casual) 私は料理しますwatashi wa ry...
Balfour contributed to the international dissemination of Daoism and to the development of the study of comparative religion. At the same time, he was the first in the world to choose to translate the obscure and difficult to understand the Zhuangzi of the Daoist scriptures, which was published ...
of false tradedescription ofgoods, extendthe coverage of theTDOto false trade descriptions of [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 3.13 我們因此維持建議,即擴闊就貨品作出虛假商品說明的罪行 所涵蓋的範圍、擴大《條例》的適用範圍至就服務作出的虛假商品說 明,以及增訂誤導遺漏、威嚇手法、餌誘式廣告宣傳、...
參見 matter(名詞)+ fact(名詞)。 1787年開始出現"散文的,缺乏想象力的,堅持事實"的意思。相關詞彙: Matter-of-factly; matter-of-factness。據說德語 Tatsache 是英語單詞的借譯。 In law, that which is fact or alleged as fact; in contradistinction to matter of law, which consists in the resulting...
The use of 「した」instead of 「た/ました」in 「拝覧した」is due to the fact that 「拝覧」is a Sino-Japanese word (kango) which consists of the kanji 拝 (hai) meaning "worship" or "respect" and 覧 (ran) meaning "view" or "see". When using Sino-Japanese words, it is ...
遊び 名詞 なんの遊びをしてるの?遊びます。「遊ぶ」の連用形 + 丁寧語の「ます」A なんの遊びをしてるの? (名詞)B カードゲームで遊んでます。(動詞)A そのカードはどんな遊び方をするんですか? (名詞)B 先攻後攻に分かれて対戦して遊びます。(動詞)
together withthepower ofattorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a certifiedcopyofsuchpowerorauthority, must be deposited at [...] centron.com.hk centron.com.hk (b) 指定規格之代表委任表格連同經簽署之授權書或其他授權文件(如有)或經由簽署證明 之該等授權書或授權文件...