ODBC Full Form: Find out the full form of ODBC and the meaning of this technology. Also, explore the history, benefits and limitations linked with it. Visit To Know ODBC Full Form.
當SQLGetInfo 傳回SQL_ERROR或SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO時,藉由呼叫具有SQL_HANDLE_DBC HandleType 的SQLGetDiagRec 和ConnectionHandle 的HandleType 來取得相關聯的 SQLSTATE 值。 下表列出 SQLGetInfo 通常傳回的SQLSTATE 值,並說明此函式內容中的每個值;表示法 “(DM)” 在驅動程式管理員傳回的 SQLSTATE 描述...
SQL_OJ_FULL = 支援完整外部聯結。SQL_OJ_NESTED = 支援巢狀外部聯結。SQL_OJ_NOT_ORDERED = 外部聯結之 ON 子句中的數據行名稱不必與其 OUTER JOIN 子句中的個別數據表名稱相同。SQL_OJ_INNER = 內部資料表(左外部聯接中的右數據表或右外部聯接中的左數據表)也可以在內部聯結中使用。 這不適用於沒有內部...
Include the full path name for the file. For more information, see "ODBC Driver Profiling Features." QueryLog_ON This parameter specifies whether the data source should do query profiling. 1 specifies profiling is done; omitting the parameter specifies no profiling. For more information, see "...
SQLDisconnect (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) SQLDriverConnect (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) SQLDrivers (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) SQLError (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) SQLExecDirect (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) SQLExecute (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) SQLExtendedFetch (Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver) ...
A SQL-92 Full level-compliant driver will always return all the bitmasks. A return value of "0" means that the ALTER DOMAIN statement is not supported.The SQL-92 or FIPS conformance level at which this feature must be supported is shown in parentheses next to each bitmask.The following ...
Add domain user as sysadmin in SQL Server 2012 using PowerShell Add formatting and style to a html report in powershell Add full control to computer object Add ICMPv4/v6 Echo Request Using PowerShell Add IP output to Test-Connection Add line to a text file just after a specific line with...
(3)SQL插入: SQL查询:(SQL中最重要的就是查询) (1)单关系查询:(只一张表中的内容查询有关信息,不涉及其他的表) (2)多关系查询:(多个表中通过一些操作查找出希望的信息) 外连接(左连接、右连接、完全外连接)| outer join(left join、right join、full join) ...
Simulate an ODBC 1.0 driver in some context. 64 Ignore the use of database name in ‘database.table.column’. 128 Force the use of ODBC manager cursors (experimental). 256 Disable the use of extended fetch (experimental). 512 Pad CHAR fields to full column length. 1024 SQLDescribeC...
CallSQLSetConnectAttrwith SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_LOG and the full path and file name of the long-running query log file. For example: C:\\Odbcqry.log CallSQLSetConnectAttrwith SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL and set to the time-out interval, in milliseconds. ...