插件Open files with commands支持通过「命令行」(CMD+P)打开一个文件,在某些场景下会比较高效。例如我通过配置好的命令,可以快速打开 HomePage 的 两个文件: 打开后效果如图: Open In New Tab Open In New Tab插件可以在文件资源管理器中,打开所有文件到一个新的标签页中,避免了频繁切换标签页的麻烦。如果文件...
Open random notes with greater control以更好的控制打开随机音符 Obsidian Tabs 下载次数:4947插件描述: New panes are opened in a tabbed view.新窗格在选项卡式视图中打开。 Table of Contents 下载次数:4911插件描述: Create a table of contents for a note.为笔记创建目录。 Journey 下载次数:4894插件描述...
Cycle through Panes Cycle through your open Panes with ctrl + Tab, just like with Tabs in your Browser!, ctrl+shift+Tab for Reverse 使用“Ctrl +”选项卡(Ctrl + Tab)循环通过您的开放窗格,就像浏览器中的选项卡一样!,Ctrl + Shift + Tab以进行反向 cycle-through-panes.zip cycle-through-panes ...
// This adds a settings tab so the user can configure various aspects of the plugin // 当插件加载的时候,添加一个插件面板给自己 // new SampleSettingTab 指的是针对当前的 app 和 插件本身(这里的 this 引用的是我们插件这个类本体),创建一个新的插件面板。 // 注意,0.14.6 后你还是可以不再引入...
Cycle through Panes Cycle through your open Panes with ctrl + Tab, just like with Tabs in your Browser!, ctrl+shift+Tab for Reverse cycle-through-panes - 0.0.6 https://github.com/phibr0 Daily Activity A collection of commands to track your writing activity. daily-activity - 0.3.2 https...
checking) { new SampleModal(this.app).open(); } return true; } return ...
Note: The Obsidian API is still in early alpha and is subject to change at any time! This sample plugin demonstrates some of the basic functionality the plugin API can do. Adds a ribbon icon, which shows a Notice when clicked. Adds a command "Open Sample Modal" which opens a Modal. Ad...
插件Open files with commands支持通过「命令行」(CMD+P)打开一个文件,在某些场景下会比较高效。例如我通过配置好的命令,可以快速打开 HomePage 的 两个文件: 打开后效果如图: Open In New Tab Open In New Tab插件可以在文件资源管理器中,打开所有文件到一个新的标签页中,避免了频繁切换标签页的麻烦。如果文件...
Open random notes with greater control以更好的控制打开随机音符 Obsidian Tabs 下载次数:4947插件描述: New panes are opened in a tabbed view.新窗格在选项卡式视图中打开。 Table of Contents 下载次数:4911插件描述: Create a table of contents for a note.为笔记创建目录。
Cycle through your open Panes withctrl + Tab, just like with Tabs in your Browser! 使用ctrl + Tab在打开的窗格中循环,就像浏览器中的选项卡一样! Icons Plugin 下载次数:7642插件描述: Add icons to your notes 为笔记添加图标 Dictionary 下载次数:7584插件描述: ...