issues with using my Sony a6000 as a video capture device. It was working just fine. For some reason I tried connecting my video capture device on streamlabs, while it was still on obs. As soon as I connected it to streamlabs, the video capture device on obs went black and I can't....
My OBS is detecting my Video capture card as USB 3.0 Video. My "camera" and everything else is allowing OBS to use them. OBS sees my Video Capture Device in...
AV1 support for VA-API, AV1 support for WebRTC/WHIP output, Video Capture Device (PipeWire) source type, multi-track audio support for mpegts, GPU rescaling options for streaming and recording outputs, a rework of the Image Slideshow source and more. ...
1. It can capture single HD HDMI-compatible video signal; 2. The recorded video signal can reach 1080p / 60Hz, HDMI-compatible input supports 4K / 30Hz; 3. Support MJPEG and YUY2; 4.Support UAC & UVC agreement, support 48 KHz PCM audio sampling rate; 5. Some win7 need to install ...
Specifications: Video Capture Resolution: 1080P Input Interface: VGA Output Interface: USB 2.0 Compatibility: Windows, Linux, Android Audio Capture: Supports microphone input Software Compatibility: OBS, potplayer, AMCAP, VLC Features: |Elgato Capture Device|Best Obs Plug In For Streaming| **High-De...
Click on the Configure Video button and select the Video Format that matches your console or PC output. Click on OK and adjust the Resolution and FPS of your video capture device in the Properties window. If the audio delay issues occur, you can try adjusting the Sync Offset of your video...
求购2024夏 hdmi音视频采集卡 OBS游戏直播录制器USB视频video capture card招标 采购详情 询价单编号:ZGC6217***401 询价单有效期:至2024***入驻工厂可见 订单备注:***入驻工厂可见相似工厂 视频采集卡类精选货源 深圳市菲德越科技有限公司 视频采集卡移动硬盘盒 5297m²深圳 100%响应率 深度验厂 拥有27台飞利...
In the video capture source properties, we should be able to select resolutions just like other webcams. The video capture source should support iPad's maximum native resolution. Current Behavior When "Use Preset" is clicked, I can see some preset resolutions such as 1280x720, 540p, 480p, ...
OBS can lead to lag issues when combined with resource-intensive games or applications. So, if you find OBS lagging while playing a game, it’s because both OBS and the game demand high performance. And your device might have a hard time handling it all. ...
为了压缩录制的钉钉视频会议的文件大小,我决定不采取全屏录制的方法。而是只捕获钉钉视频会议的窗口。 OBS Studio 可以非常便捷地实现这个功能,来“来源”里,添加“窗口捕获”,并点亮其眼睛图标,其他的眼睛图标禁用。 然后双击”窗口捕获“,在弹出的窗口中,下拉选择”钉钉视频会议“ ...