LW_OOPC(Light Weight Object-oriented Programming with C,2010.1.24开源)轻量级的面向对象C编程框架是由台湾高焕堂先生以及他的MISOO团队创作了第一个版本之后,又由金永华改进优化,再以LGPL协议开源出来的。这个框架的面世与高焕堂的著作《UML+OOPC嵌入式C语言开发精讲》有关。总共一个.h文件、25个宏、约100行代码...
Object-Oriented Programming in C++Lecture 6Inheritance
TemplateLibrary(STL)hasonlyrecentlybeenincludedincompilers.ThisbookaddsachapterontheSTL. We’vealsointroducedotherfeaturesfromStandardC++,includingnewheaderfiles,thestringclass,new-style casts,namespaces,andsoon. Thedesignofobject-orientedprogramshasreceivedincreasingemphasisinrecentyears,sowe’veaddeda ...
Object-Oriented Programming in C ++ , Fourth EditionLafore, Robert
Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 4th edtion, begins with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology. While the structure of this book is similar to that of the previous edition, each chapter ...
In top-down design, a problem is associated with a procedure. Example: C, Pascal.101.2 Object-Oriented and Procedural Programming Object-Oriented Progr 7、ammingObject-oriented programming is an alternative to procedural programming. The design technique associated with object-oriented programming is ...
Object-oriented programming has several advantages over procedural programming: OOP is faster and easier to execute OOP provides a clear structure for the programs OOP helps to keep the C++ code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself", and makes the code easier to maintain, modify and debug ...
3High-levellanguage:ItisaprogramminglanguagebasedonEnglish.Itsoperatorsandexpressionsaresimilartoordinarymathematicalformulas.Example:inta,b,c,d;a=10;b=5;c=8;d=a+b–c;FORTRAN,BASIC,PASCAL,C 6 1.1Introduction 4Object-orientedprogramminglanguages:Theyhavethreecharacteristicsincommon:encapsulation,...
In object-oriented programming, a bottom-up approach is followed. Programs consist of a collection of instructions telling the compiler what to do step-by-step, which makes the large codes difficult to maintain. Instead of a set of instructions, objects are created that combine both data and ...
Object-Oriented Programming inC++ 第七章输入输出流 中国科大学继续教育学院李艺 leeyi@ustc.edu C++4-1 第一章C++的初步知识 第二章类和对象 第三章再论类和对象 第四章运算符重载 第五章继承与派生 第六章多态性与虚函数 第七章输入输出流 第八章C++工具 ...