The results also indicate that 14 of the theses investigated contain the Free and Informed Consent Term, 6 were submitted to the Ethics Committee, and only 1 thesis addressed a subchapter on Ethics. During the analyzed period, there was a decline...
O MTODO DE ENSINO DA HISTRIA: UM DESAFIO EPISTEMOLGICO E DIDTICO PARA A CINCIA HISTRICAdoi:10.22228/rtf.v16i2.1266This article discusses the inclusion of epistemology in the reflection and development of history teaching methods. Based on the analysis of three epistemolo...
Em seguida, partindo da indagaamp;ccedil;amp;atilde;o de qual relaamp;ccedil;amp;atilde;o existe entre a narrativa e os fatos que descreve, entra-se no debate epistemolamp;oacute;gico sobre a a veracidade das explicaamp;ccedil;amp;otilde;es dos textos histamp;oacute;ricos....