Percepo ambiental de estudantes do ensino fundamental sobre o uso e qualidade da água para consumo humano na escoladoi:10.6008/CBPC2318-2881.2021.003.0020The present work aimed to analyze the environmental perception of elementary school students about water and...
The results point to a level of socioenvironmental concern regarding their consumption habits, but it is worth mentioning the objective of this research was not to generalize the results, but to know the structure of use that it uses. This research contributes to ...
O. (2010). Consciencia ambiental na enfermagem: Reconstruindo um mundo melhor com a contribui- cao dos estudantes. Revista de Enfermagem Referencia, 3(2), 35-43. Recuperado de 11666552-Consciencia-ambiental-na-enfermagem- -reconstruindo-um-mundo-melhor-com-a-...