Modelao de relaes bacia hidrográfica-precipitao-escoamento utilizando dados de áreas de superfície impermeável com elevada resoluo espacialRemote sensingRainfall/runoffHydrological modelingUSAA distributed object-based rainfall鈥搑unoff simulation (DORS) model with incorporation of detailed impervious ...
There was initially a survey of existing wells at the site of the information system, That belongs to the Companhia de Pesquisas e Recursos Minerais, which signed up 745 wells and / or sources belonging six municipalities. Seeking subsidies for the integrated management of surface and ground...
Gerao de algoritmos para predio de carga em suspenso em corpos hídricos da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraná com uso de imagens Landsat TM5 Gerao de algoritmos para predio de carga em suspenso em corpos hídricos da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraná com uso de imagens Landsat TM5The ...
The aim of this study was therefore to assess the estimates of the minimum Q95 flowrate obtained through the Traditional and Mass Conservation methods in the basins of the Taquari-Antas River, in state of Rio Grande do Sul, with the aim of assisting water-resource ...
DINMICA DA ALTERAO DA COBERTURA VEGETAL E USO DA TERRA COM SUPORTE DE GEOTECNOLOGIA NA BACIA HIDROGRFICA DO RIO DESQUITE- SC doi:10.5380/raega.v43i0.49774Studies related to the temporal characterization of land use and occupation are indispensable for defining public po...
Zoneamento das sub-bacias hidrográficas do Sistema Cantareira utilizando SIG e imagens orbitais: o caso da bacia do Reservatório Atibainhadoi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2800.0809Nilton de JesusMarcos FerreiraAndre Luiz dos Santos FurtadoSaulo Folharini
In this study, four methods for estimating groundwater recharge and two methods for estimating base flow (as a proxy for recharge) are compared at two hydrologic research sites in east-central Pennsylvania, USA. Results from the multiple methods all provided reasonable estimates of groundwater ...
Bacia hidrográficamorfometriahidrologia florestalWatershedmorphometryforest hydrologyThe objective of this work was to characterize the hydrological behavior and the volume of water entering and leaving the Debossan river watershed, where an important water captation plant is situated, managed by the Nova ...
AVALIAO CLIMTICA DA PRECIPITAO DA BACIA HIDROGRFICA DO RIO CAMARATUBA – PB (Climate evaluation of precipitation hydrographic basin of the river Camaratuba - PB)doi:10.26848/RBGF.V8.5.P1556-1568Anderson StuartLincoln Eloi de Araújo
When considering the watershed approach, the fragmentation can increase the erosion processes and alter the water regime, notably as a result of deforestation actions. Thus, the present study sought to analyze the landscape structure of Marapanim river watershed, focusing on the ...