doi:10.1007/s004290050294AstraZenecaBriggs MorrisonStrasbourgMagalhaes EB. O corpo rebelado: dependencia fisica e autonomia em pessoas com paralisia cerebral [tese]. Fortaleza (CE): Universidade Federal do Ceara; 2012.
the objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the total activity of carboxylesterase and the resistance of m. persicae populations to pirimicarb. the aphids were collected on potato plants in contenda and piraí do sul, pr and i
However, the results showed considerable variation among centers. Thus the causes for this variation should be analyzed and proposals for improvement should be made.doi:10.1590/S1135-57272006000400008El comandante de laCaravana de la muerteScientia Agraria...
CONCLUSIONS: The two recombinant reagents described are highly suitable for screening and confirmatory HPA-1a phenotyping. They permit rapid determination of the HPA-1a phenotype and are amenable to automation.doi:10.1046/j.1537-2995.1999.3907790.xJ-P. AllainRevista Brasileira De Ciências Do Esporte...
Inoculacao de Fusarium exysporume Fusarium solani e niveis de sombreamento na erva-mate: influencia na severidade da podridao-de-raizes. Ciencia Florestal, Santa Maria, v.19, n.3, p.267-278, 2009.POLETTO, Igor et al. Inoculacao de Fusarium oxysporum e Fusarium solani e niveis de ...
Site-specific PSM length, along with Gleason grade and lymph node status, can be predictive of BCR and assist in risk stratification of patients with PSM following radical prostatectomy.Mark HsuSteven L ChangMichelle FerrariRosalie NolleyJoseph C Presti JrJames D BrooksPsicologia Saú...