The construction of a tubular hydrogen ion-selective potentiometric electrode without inner reference solution, based on the tridodecylamine (TDDA) ionophore, and its evaluation in a flow system are described. TDDA was dissolved in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether, dispersed in a PVC membrane and applied...
Bíblia João Ferreira d Almeida 6587 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Bíblia João Ferreira d Almeida最新版截图 # Bíblia João Ferreira d Almeida最新版 A Bíblia Sagrada em sua versão chamada João Ferreira d Almeida em Português. Cada ...
Brasil, entre 2005 y 2007. Cohorte histórica de 3.543 pacientes sometidos a cirugías ortopédicas. Un análisis descriptivo fue realizado y la tasa de incidencia de infección fue estimada. Para verificar la asociación
Francis Bacon. Instauratio Magna. Kant’s dedication to BaconThe major aim of this article consists in ascertaining the reasons which drove Bacon to compose what he called Instauratio Magna: a great institution of the future science in terms of an broad restoration of the past of science. It...
支援Dell 電源按鈕同步 (DPBS) 功能的平台,只要將其連接至具有 USBC 纜線的 DPBS 顯示器,即可從待機模式中喚醒。(請參閱圖 1)但是,由於作業系統行為,平台和顯示器可能會閃爍視訊幾秒鐘,然後回到待機模式。圖1透過USBC 連線 所有支援 DPBS 功能的顯示器。以下列出幾個範例: ...
This study is a systematic analysis of the information content of a wide range of distributional cues to word boundaries, individually and in combination, in naturally occurring child-directed speech across three languages (English, Polish, and Turkish). The paper presents a series of statistical ...
A duplex RT-PCR assay is reported for the simultaneous detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), the causative agents of major diseases in poultry. The duplex RT-PCR assay optimized showed a detection limit of 10-3 (101 EID50/50m L for IBV and...
Dissecting the genetic history of Sao Tome e Principe: a new window from Y-chromosome biallelic markers. Ann Hum Genet. 2007;71:77-85.Trovoada, Maria de Jesus et al. 2007. Dissecting the genetic history of Sao Tome e Principe: a new window from Y-chromosome biallelic markers. Annals of ...
Trovoada MJ, Alves C, Gusmao L, Abade A, Amorim A and Prata MJ (2001) Evidence for population sub-structuring in Sao Tome e Principe as inferred from Y-chromosome STR anal- ysis. Ann Hum Genet 65:271-283.Trovoada, M. J., Alves, C., Gusma˜o, L., Abade, A., Amorim, A. &...
De modo a incrementar a absorção sonora das superfícies de salas (tectos e paredes) é habitual revesti-las com painéis de madeira perfurados, deixando uma cavidade entre estes e a parede ou tecto de suporte, que pode ser, ou não, preenchida com material poroso. Assim sendo, ...