(2000) Modelo de Imputacao de Custos e de Recursos: O caso da Universidade do Minho. Revista Portuguesa de Educacao, 13 (2), pp.267-290.SANTOS, SERGIO MACHADO (2000) - Modelo de imputacao de custos e de recursos - o caso da Universidade do Minho, Revista Portuguesa de Educacao; ...
gestã o recursos humanosmodelos organizacionais, human resources developmenthuman resources managementorganizational models, Artículo!--[if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:ViewNormal/w:View w:Zoom0/w:Zoom w:TrackMoves / w:TrackFormatting / w:HyphenationZone21/w:HyphenationZone w:Punctuation...
Subsequently, the drainage capacity of the river mouth was verified using the Manning-Strickler equation, in order to establish whether the river mouth of the watershed has the capacity to drain the entire volume of rainwater in a severe flood event. In summary, it was possible to conclude ...