British Journal of Surgery
Précis de Technique Opératoire: Chirurgie du Membre Inférieur. By Georges Labey and Jacques Leveuf. Fifth Edition. Pp. 248, with 280 illustrations. 1923. Paris: Masson et Cie. 10 frNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/bjs.1800114127None...
geographical variationhoney beesmorphometricsproboscissocial insectstarsustibiaExport Date: 20 October 2010, Source: ScopusD.L. SouzaA. Evangelista-RodriguesM.N. RibeiroF.P. ÁlvarezE.S.L. FariasW.E. PereiraUniversidad de CórdobaArchivos De Zootecnia...
How to explain the event that some students + choose ; to integrate atypical formations (by their sex membership) where, maybe, their lucks to success are reduced by the drawback forms which can involve such formations ? those specific devices to the direction procedure come from differentiated...
Potassium-sparing diuretics are usually reserved for neonates with congestive heart failure and are always used in combination.JEAN-PIERRE GUIGNARDService de pédiatrieLAURENCE DUBOURGJEAN-BERNARD GOUYONRevue Medicale De La Suisse Romande
Basic quantities for symmetry adaptation are discussed in connection with molecular and solid state physics. This gives rise to a formalism whose central elements are operator equivalents adapted to a point group. Such symmetry adapted operator equivalents are defined in terms of Schwinger operators so...
Amblyopia treatment could be performed as usual. Treatment in our patients with WBS has been similar to ordinary cases of strabismus. Medium-term results do not differ from other squinting patients treated with similar Ancos, EKlainguti, GiorgioKlin Monatsbl Augenheilkd...
opérateurs différentiels linéaires à coefficients constants et schémas de hilbert ponctuelsWe use algebraic methods to study systems of linear partial differential equations with constant coedoi:10.1002/mana.200710632D'AlmeidaJeanWILEY‐VCH VerlagMathematische Nachrichten...