GESTO DE RISCOS OPERACIONAIS E CONTROLES INTERNOS: O CASO DE UMA EMPRESA DE INFORMTICAdoi:10.6084/m9.figshare.7376738Organizations are exposed to various operational risks, which are characterized by human error, fraud, shortcomings in processes or system failures. These...
Optar por esta solução poderá criar o diferencial para seu negócio e oferecer a seus clientes um novo produto.[translate] aOs fornecedores seguem controles internos de higiene, temperatura e qualidade do ar, garantindo o elevado padrão dos alimentos.[translate]...
Given the relevance of professional skepticism in audit work, internal auditors must also take a skeptical attitude, helping to prevent and identify signs of fraud, risks, and weaknesses in internal control systems. Research relating the auditor's skeptical trait to the ability to perceive risks in...
A incorporao da accountability em rotinas organizacionais de controles internosdoi:10.5020/2318-0722.2019.8095INTERNAL auditingORGANIZATIONAL structureINSURANCE companiesSENSORY perceptionRESPECTThe present study aimed to reveal wich aspects related to the dynamics of organizational routines may ...