O DIREITO CONSTITUCIONAL SADE NO CONTROLE E COMBATE PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 NO MUNICPIO DE PASSOS-MG NOS ANOS DE 2020 E 2021doi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n5-084RIGHT to healthNORMATIVITY (Ethics)SOCIAL impactCOVID-19SOCIAL historyThe work sought to analyze the effe...
this study addresses the growing use of the comparative law perspective in the rationality of decisions at constitutional courts. a much interesting and actual tendency, the correlation between comparative law and constitutional law is revealed by cases
O Direito Constitucional Comparado entre Renascimento e Consolidaodoi:10.5007/2177-7055.2017v38n76p69This paper has two main objectives. First, there is a critical analysis of the process of "rebirth" of comparative constitutional law. This revival takes place in the Nort...
Desvios de finalidade no Direito ConstitucionalTributário brasileiro: aspectos estruturais e teleológicos datributao na Constituio Federal de 1988This work deals with considerations regarding common types of tax misuse that are present in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution. Thus, the work aims to ...
8, n. 2, p. 675-706, 2010. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 7 mar. 2012.SALDANHA, Jania Maria Lopes. A paradoxal face "hipermoderna" do processo constitucional: um olhar sobre o direito processual brasileiro. Estudios Constitucionales, Santiago, ano 8, n. 2, p. 675-706, 2010....
A CONSTITUCIONALIZAO DO DIREITO ADMINISTRATIVO PARA UM MODELO DE ADMINISTRAO PBLICA DEMOCRTICAdoi:10.25192/issn.1982-0496.rdfd.v28i12301SOCIAL participationCIVIL rightsADMINISTRATIVE lawCONSTITUTIONAL lawPUBLIC administrationThis article analyzes the hermeneutic movem...
O DIREITO ADMINISTRATIVO DISCIPLINAR E APROCESSUALIDADEAMPLA NO ESTADO CONSTITUCIONAL DE DIREITOdoi:10.17765/2176-9184.2024v24n1.e9977PUBLIC administrationCONSTITUTIONAL lawSUPERIOR courtsCIVIL rightsLEGAL sanctionsThis article analyzes the legal contours of the sanctioning ...
O DIREITO SADE SOB A TICA DO CONSTITUCIONALISMO SOCIAL: CONCRETIZAO ATRAVS DO SISTEMA DE PRECEDENTES JUDICIAIS VINCULANTESIn the scope of the right to health, there is an excessive judicialization in the attempt to use the Judiciary, through a prelim...
Pires Fincato, DeniseLoureno Mendes, BeatrizA&C - Administrative & Constitutional Law Review - Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional
Mineiro, AmandaBarbosa Pereira, AguiarRevista Thesis Juris