Efeito inibitório in vitro de drogas antituberculose, antifúngicas e análogos químicos da isoniazida frente a Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum Nos ultimos anos, a melhoria dos metodos de diagnostico micologico e as doencas imunossupressoras causaram grande impacto na incidencia das ...
Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach carried out in two Basic Health Units located in Bel茅m-PA. Participated in the scientific study 42 contacts of both sexes, which the information was collected through a struc...
DESAFIOS DO ENFERMEIRO NO TRATAMENTO AOS PACIENTES COM TUBERCULOSE PULMONAR NOS ESPAOS DE ASSISTNCIA SADEdoi:10.25110/arqsaude.v27i8.2023-041Introduction: Tuberculosis is caused by Koch's bacillus that mainly affects the lungs. However, a small portion, about 15%,...
Os fatores prognósticos para insucesso do tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar entre os indivíduos estudados estão interrelacionados, sendo de natureza biológica, clínica e social. Devem ser identificados no início do tratamento para que sejam implementados procedimentos diferenciados de ...
Diane J.Ordway, Maria J.Arroz, Mónica S.Freire, Hazel M.Dockrell, Fernando A.Ventura. (2001) Respostas das citocinas T 2 desencadeadas por Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulento nos doentes com tuberculose pulmonar em estado avançado. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia 7 , 111-125 /...
This was a descriptive study involving 97 male and female inpatients/outpatients between 18 and 60 years of age who were undergoing treatment for active pulmonary tuberculosis at one of two referral hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro. After being interviewed, all of the patients underwent ...
DIALOGANDO COM CRIANAS SOBRE PROMOO DA SADE PARA O CONTROLE DA TUBERCULOSE PULMONAR, ATRAVS DA LITERATURA INFANTILdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n3-123SCHOOL childrenMEDICAL studentsHEALTH educationELEMENTARY educationCONSCIOUSNESS raisingDespite technological advances in the health...