13 C- and 17 O-relaxation times measured in cyclic ethers, cyclic ketones, and lactones allowed the determination of the quadrupolar interaction at the O-site. Values obtained for six-membered rings can be used as standard values for ethers (χ = 13 MHz), ketones (χ = 10.5 MHz), and ...
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The results obtained during this study are compared to those obtained from the reduction of the corresponding ketones by LiAlH4. [Journal translation]Jean-Claude RicherClaude Lamarrecanadian journal of chemistry
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doi:10.1073/pnas.78.10.5924dose d'applicationfungicidesplant diseasesarbre fruitiervegetable cropsfungicidascontrol quimicoapplication ratesfongicideseed dressingThe Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences grant approval to chemicals and biological plant protection products for control of plant diseases, pests ...
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A set of mediterranean brown algae belonging to Cystoseira family is analysed by a G. L. C. and I. R. method. Easy determination of diterpenic compounds is presented. Among all the samples analysed, the only one Cystoseira elegans contains eleganolone, epoxy eleganolone and elegandiol as ...