在你的生命中,总会有那么一两个女神,当你老了,身躯偻了,她们仍会在站在山巅高处,白衣胜雪,目光清冷,让人难以触及。在商场地产信托Mall REITs这个行业里,西蒙地产(NYSE:SPG)就是一尊无可争议的女神。 1 商场地产是什么? 美国的现代商场地产最早始于30年代大萧条时期,虽然万变不离盖商店收租金这个主业,但是经过...
NYSE:SPG实时 181.14-0.66-0.36%2024-11-22 16:00:02 今开:183.07 昨收:181.80 今日区间:180.65-183.96 52周区间:119.71-182.84 成交量:183.65万 成交额:33356.52万 市值:591.02亿 市盈率:23.65 贝塔系数: 每股收益:7.6581 盘后180.55-0.59-0.33%成交量108.14万2024-11-22 20:00...
NYSE:SPGI实时 502.79-3.21-0.63%2024-12-16 15:59:59 今开:507.80 昨收:506.00 今日区间:502.19-510.00 52周区间:401.58-533.29 成交量:0.00万 成交额:0.00万 市值:1560.16亿 市盈率:44.31 贝塔系数: 每股收益:11.3461 盘后505.820.070.01%成交量45.65万2024-12-13 20:00...
( tco ), or even simon property group inc. ( nyse: spg ). as such, you are likely to be surprised not only by the title that i've chosen for this article (which, if you read this article till the very end, has an interesting background/explanation behind it), but mostly by what...
SPGpJ.PFD:USA SPG:Mexico SQI:Germany SQI:Germany SIMN34:Brazil Address 225 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 46204 Website https://www.simon.com Simon Property Group is the second-largest real estate investment trust in the United States. Its portfolio includes an interest ...
西蒙地產集團(NYSE:SPG)隨着購物中心迴歸而上漲 去購物中心的想法是否不再讓您感到興奮和好奇?長期以來一直是這樣
S&P Global acquired close competitor IHS Markit in January 2022. Click here to read why SPGI stock may be attractive for long-term investors.
$西蒙地产(SPG)$西蒙地产(SimonProperty Group NYSE: SPG.N)1993年登陆纽交所, 总部位于美国印第安纳波利斯, 是全球领先的商业开发和管理上市的房地产投资信托(REITs),美国S&P百强企业。 公司重要动向 兼并收购,业务结构调整 投资分析 西蒙地产目前的股票和营收仍低于疫情前的顶峰,但是西蒙地产今年的FFO指标已经在合...
In certain circumstances, securities with respect to which the relevant exchange has commenced delisting proceedings may continue to be traded pending appeal of that determination. To view a list of securities that are subject to delisting, including those that continue to be traded pending appeal, ...
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