Contact Lena's Pizza today to place your order for the most delicious fresh pizza and jumbo chicken wings in the Jamestown, Lakewood, and Falconer, NY area. Call now or stop in and enjoy a meal with your family.
您可以前往Lakewood Vineyards品尝美味的葡萄酒,或是到Watkins Glen International观赛体验速度与激情。如果您喜欢大自然,不妨参观克卢特纪念公园及营地,这里有美丽的湖泊和迷人的自然风光。Clute Park Campground是一个理想的露营地点,您可以在这里享受户外活动和野餐。如果您对历史感兴趣,不妨参观Watkins Glen的第一浸...
Merchandise Manager(离职员工)-Lakewood, CO-2024年5月7日 This was my first management position. I learned a lot from the store manager. The company took care of the employees during the pandemic. I think my pay was competitive with Petsmart. ...
but the tomato pie found in Central New York is worlds away so much far superior to that version of our delicacy. The same would go for upside down pizza. It is so common to find it in the Utica area, but I know it also is in other places called...
如果您想尝试当地的美食,可以去Professors Inn或Jerlando's Ristorante & Pizza Co.。周边购物地标沃特金斯峡谷海港酒店周围有多个购物地标,其中包括F & J's Touch of Country。这家精品店提供各种精美的乡村风格家居装饰品和礼品,让您能够带回家一些独特而美丽的纪念品。您还可以在店内找到当地手工艺品和传统工艺品...