而Reflex Low Latency(下称NVIDIA Reflex)则提供了一个更全面的解决方案。其实NVIDIA Reflex和NULL在工作原理上是有一部分相似的,因为两者都同样可以把渲染延迟降低,相比起NULL只是单纯的从驱动层面进行优化,NVIDIA Reflex是从游戏整个系统层面(包括硬件、驱动、游戏引擎整合等)去对延迟进行优化,可以动态平衡CPU和G...
It's both a hardware and software solution for measuring input latency, from the time you click a mouse button to the time the monitor shows the results of that action. Games can add support for Nvidia Reflex via an SDK, while the mouse and monitor have to support some specific features ...
EA最受欢迎的Apex Legends是添加NVIDIA Reflex的最新游戏,NVIDIA Reflex是一种游戏内选项,可减少数百万GeForce游戏玩家的系统延迟。系统延迟(通常称为“输入滞后”)是影响任何类型游戏玩法响应性的关键因素之一。在网上玩游戏时,较低的系统延迟可以使您更具竞争力。在Apex Legends中, NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency可在GPU...
而Reflex Low Latency(下称NVIDIA Reflex)则提供了一个更全面的解决方案。其实NVIDIA Reflex和NULL在工作原理上是有一部分相似的,因为两者都同样可以把渲染延迟降低,相比起NULL只是单纯的从驱动层面进行优化,NVIDIA Reflex是从游戏整个系统层面(包括硬件、驱动、游戏引擎整合等)去对延迟进行优化,可以动态平衡CPU和GPU的负...
Also, this feature can be used in a game only if the developer has implemented it there. So, if your graphic card and game are not supported, you won’t be able to benefit from NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency mode. But there are other ways to enable low latency where NVIDIA Reflex is not...
reflex低延迟可以开。游戏延迟,是玩家们在游玩过程当中所关注的重点。想必不少玩家也体验过高延迟下苦不堪言的游戏经历。而NVIDIA Reflex技术将有效的降低系统延迟,让系统更快速的对玩家的操作做出反应。延迟的根源是玩家通过键鼠的操作到屏幕做出反应这个过程的时间差,延迟越低,玩家在操作过程当中就越...
If you're using G-SYNC on + NVCP V-SYNC on + Reflex Boost (the last of which is both preventing the framerate from exceeding the G-SYNC range, as well as any additional render queue latency [unrelated to G-SYNC operation] whenever the GPU is maxed), then it's as low latency a ...
在没有开启Reflex Low Latency前,360Hz刷新率的整体系统延迟都已经要比144Hz以及60Hz都要低不少,分别是3ms以及9ms左右。而在开启了Reflex Low Latency + Boost之后,三个刷新率的系统延迟都有所降低,360Hz降至28.3ms、144Hz降至31.8ms而60Hz则是降至34.4ms。
If a game supports the NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency mode, we recommend using that mode over the Ultra Low Latency mode in the driver. However, if you leave both on, the Reflex Low Latency mode will take higher priority automatically for you. ...
Which GPUs Support NVIDIA Reflex? We have unfortunate news for you if you are on AMD. Reflex does not and will probably never work on an AMD GPU. This is typical of NVIDIA. Fortunately, AMD does haveAnti-Lag, which is comparable toNVIDIA’s Ultra Low Latency Mode. ...