The meaning of NUNC PRO TUNC is now for then —used in reference to a judicial or procedural act that corrects an omission in the record, has effect as of an earlier date, or takes place after a deadline has expired. How to use nunc pro tunc in a sentenc
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Nunc dimittis (redirected fromNunc) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to Nunc:Nunc dimittis,Nunc pro tunc Nunc Di·mit·tis (nŭngk′ dĭ-mĭt′ĭs, no͝ongk′) n. A Christian canticle or hymn using the words of Simeon in Luke 2:29-32, ...
Case Comment: Immigration Law - Nunc Pro Tunc Relief Unavailable Where Erroneous Legal Interpretation Rendered Alien Ineligible for Deportation Waiver - Pereira v. Gonzales, 417 F.3d 38 (1st Cir. 2005)Cancellation of...