Acknowledgments|CoverImageCredit|RecommendedCitation ContactUs46 ReportAuthors|NCSES 2|ScienceandEngineeringIndicators2024 KeyTakeaways ●Nationalassessmentsshowasharpdeclinein elementaryandsecondarystudentmathematics performancesincetheCOVID-19pandemic.From2019to2022,averagemathematicsscoresoffourthand eighthgradestudentsdro...
The company soon implemented changes recommended by the ANSI, including allowing greater access to outsiders during the standards-setting process, and the NSF retained the contract. Round of Acquisitions Starts in 2001 In June 2001, the organization acquired Cook & Thurber, LLC, a six-year-old...
Mentors(average age ~50) are an experienced entrepreneur located near the academic institution and has experience in transiting technology out of academic labs. Mentors are recommended by the Principal Investigator (who has worked with them in the past) or they may be a member of the NSF I-Cor...
In a budget proposal released in January, Gov. Ron DeSantis recommended a $100 million cut to Florida’s college system and to keep funding level for the state university system. One part of the House’s higher education budget aims to put new performance requirements on a financial aid prog...