npm install react-scripts --save-dev 5. 检查代码错误 使用IDE或编辑器的代码检查功能,查找并修复React组件或JavaScript代码中的语法错误或逻辑错误。 应用场景 React App广泛应用于各种前端开发场景,包括但不限于: 单页应用程序(SPA):提供流畅的用户体验。
我将一个反应应用程序克隆到我的系统上并运行以下命令 npminstall-gcreate-react-appnpminstall--savereactreact-dom 之后我跑了 npmstart 但它抛出了上述错误,它在我将它推送到 github 的其他系统上运行良好。但无论是 windows 还是 mac 克隆后,它都无法在任何其他系统上运行。
The solution to the above error is to open your terminal and run the command‘npm install react-scripts’to solve the ‘sh react-scripts command not found’ bug. Note that after you clone a fresh react application, you will not have thenode_modulesdirectory since it ignored in the.gitignor...
我正在尝试在 Ubuntu 18.04 上部署我的工作 Windows 10 Spring-Boot/React 应用程序,但尽管多次尝试修复,但仍然收到“react-scripts: Permission denied”错误。希望你们中的一位反应专家能够发现我做错了什么。我的package.json 看起来像这样{ "name": "medaverter-front", "version": "0.1.0", "private": tr...
报错信息 image.png 报错原因 npm 拉取国外的资源拉取不到,所以报错 解决 npm configsetregistry npm configgetregistry image.png 然后再重新执行create-react-app创建项目,就不会报错了
npm install --save --save-exact --loglevel error react react-dom react-scripts has failed. Deleting generated file... package.json Deleting robofriends / from D:\Shivendra\Web Development\React Done. Expected Behavior I thought that the command would create a react app with the necessary proje...
ISSUE npm start is failing to work with create-react-app after initial 'create-react-app my-app' install. Complete output log is below. I get similar output when trying to run another create-react-app that I copied in from another machin...
you should not install react-scripts globally, for me this fixed the problem: npm install --save react react-dom react-scripts if this still dont work : update to latest npm version : npm install -g npm@latest delete node_modules directory reinstall all dependencies : npm insta...