1936. Paris, Office National Météorologique et Société Météorologique de France, 1939. 80°. Pp. 338. Price 15s Article first published online: 10 SEP 2007 DOI: 10.1002/qj.49706528217 Copyright © 1939 Royal Meteorological Society
The experiment shows that the visibility of the spectral modulation of a white light source is still very high for a path difference as large as 23 cm.Claude DelisleMichel Brochucanadian journal of physics
Moreover, the QN1/QN1/KIAA1009 protein is involved in NGF signalisation pathway during PC12 cells differenciation process. On the whole, these results show that QN1/KIAA1009 prorein is a new key actor of mitosis.Leon, AgnèsBibliogr