Notepad++ Plugins is a collection of tools and plugins which add essential functionality to Notepad++. Notepad++ Plugins includes Explorer, Function List, Hex Editor, Spell Checker and a console program NppExec. To install Notepad++ Plugins, simply download the .zip file and place the PluginManage...
2 看到Download,点击它,开始下载插件。3 保存到电脑上,大概就是下图这样子,可能版本不一样。4 打开这个zip压缩文件,解压出来ComparePlugin.dll这个文件。5 把它放notepad++安装目录下的plugins目录中(一般是C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins),如下图所示。6 重启notepad++,插件中就会出现compare选项...
To install Notepad++ Plugin Manager, simply download the .zip file and place the PluginManager.dll file in the Notepad++ plugins directory, and the gpup.exe in the updater directory under your Notepad++ program directory. (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\updater"). Alternatively, just add...
安装程序下载地址: 二、安装环境 / Environment Windows2003 / Windows XP Notepad++-5.8.5 (Unicode版本) 三、NotePad++插件安装 / NotePad++ - Howto Install Plugins 如何安装NotePa...
1)、插件的dll文件放到“plugins”的相应子目录; 2)、配置文件放置“plugins\Config\”目录下; 3)、文档文件放置“ plugin\doc”目录下; 4)、完毕后重启Notepad++ 2、使用PluginManage安装 首先手动安装好“PluginManage”插件,打开Notepad++,通过菜单“插件>Plugin Manager > show Plugin Manager”打开“Plugin Mana...
3 将Notepad++ v5.9的zip包解压后,选择unicode(通用编码),进入\plugins\Config文件夹,将tidy文件夹复制到新版的Notepad++安装目录下的plugins\Config文件夹即可。删除空行 1 选择相应的文本( CTRL+A:全选 )--->点击菜单栏中的TextFX--->TextFX Edit--->DeleteBlankLines 。2 多个连续空格转换成一个空格:...
Notepad++ also supportspluginsand other add-ons,many created by users that take advantage of the program's open-source code. Notepad, in particular, makes it extremely easy to add plugins. In fact, new versions of Notepad have incorporated various plugins, and 10 user-created plugins are now...
Pluses:Notepad++ has lots of great features and built-in tools. It also supports external plugins which can perform several text editing tasks. The ones I use the most are the XHTML, XML, and brace auto close, the text to HEX converter, the C++ code re-indent, the trailing space trimme...版本 5.8 含TextFx插件) 安装(Notepad++版本 5.8 含TextFx插件): Installation Open menu "Plugins". Move the cursor toPlugin Managerin the drop-down menuShow Plugin Manager ...版本 5.8 含TextFx插件) 安装(Notepad++版本 5.8 含TextFx插件): Installation Open menu "Plugins". Move the cursor toPlugin Managerin the drop-down menuShow Plugin Manager ...